


       2024年6月10日, FAA发布了AC 21.17-4  “Type Certification- Powered-lift” 咨询通告(AC)草案。该草案标志着FAA和EASA就eVTOL的适航条款制定和政策协调一致性取得了重要进展,FAA宣布这是与EASA在 电动垂直起降飞行器(eVTOL)适航审定过程中的一个重要里程碑。




PL.2335 Lightning and static electricity protection.

(a) The aircraft must be protected against catastrophic effects from lightning.

(b) The aircraft must be protected against hazardous effects caused by an  accumulation of electrostatic charge



PL.2430 Energy systems.

(a) Each energy system must—

(2)Be designed to prevent catastrophic events due to lightning strikes, taking into account direct and indirect effects on the aircraft;



PL.2515 Electrical- and electronic-system lightning protection.

(a) Each electrical or electronic system that performs a function, the failure of which would prevent the continued safe flight and landing of the aircraft, must be designed and installed such that-

(1) The function at the aircraft level is not adversely affected during and after the time the aircraft is exposed to lightning; and

(2) The system recovers normal operation of that function in a timely manner after the aircraft is exposed to lightning unless the system’s recovery conflicts with other operational or functional requirements of the system.

(b) For an aircraft approved for operation under instrument flight rules (IFR), each electrical and electronic system that performs a function, the failure of which would reduce the capability of the aircraft or the ability of the flightcrew to respond to an adverse operating condition, must be designed and installed such that the system recovers normal operation of that function in a timely manner after the aircraft is exposed to lightning.



PL.3523 Propeller control system.

The requirements of this section apply to any system or component that controls, limits, or monitors propeller functions.

(a)The propeller control system must be designed, constructed and validated to show that:

(2) The propeller control system functionality is not adversely affected by the declared environmental conditions, including temperature, electromagnetic interference (EMI), high intensity radiated fields (HIRF), and lightning. The environmental limits to which the system has been satisfactorily validated must be documented in the appropriate propeller manuals.



PL.3538 Lightning strike.

The applicant must demonstrate, by tests, analysis based on tests, or experience on similar designs, that the propeller can withstand a lightning strike without causing a major or hazardous propeller effect. The limit to which the propeller has been qualified must be documented in the appropriate manuals.

       FAA咨询通告AC 21.17-4文件中与闪电防护相关的适航条款,与FAA之前发布的Joby JAS4–1和Archer M001专用条件中的闪电防护条款基本一致。包含了第 23、33 和 35 部的标准以及其他针对动力升力类及其上安装的电机和螺旋桨的闪电防护要求。与EASA 的SC-VTOL专用条件的闪电条款相比,AC 21.17-4文件中的闪电防护条款更为全面。
